One key to being successful is having the ability to move on quickly from your mistakes. I’ve heard it described as having a “short memory”, although I am not a fan of that terminology, and here is why…I don’t wish to forget my “failures”. They are as valuable, if not more valuable, then my successes. The key here is to look at them objectively and not attach any judgement. Take a second to observe the outcome, adjust and try again. Rinse and repeat.
After my basketball games growing up, my dad and I would sit down on the bleachers to review his notes from the game. He always had a hand drawn key that he wrote on with circles to mark every shot I took that went in, and Xs for every shot that I took and missed. Cutting edge stuff, I know, but it really helped. I didn’t look at the Xs with regret or frustration, I viewed them as opportunities to improve. Those Xs were a map that guided me to becoming better. As soon as we would get home, I would head out to the driveway, draw out the Xs in sidewalk chalk, and shoot until the street lights came on.
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